Thank you so much for visiting my page. I decided to start this website to put out there all these thoughts and ideas I have about how we can live more purposeful and sustainable lives. As I keep watching what is happening to our world these days, I see how significant and transformational changes are required to get us back to living in a way that aligns with nature. I’ve always been passionate about the intersection between our health and our environment. They aren’t disconnected but fully intertwined. However, having gone through significant changes myself over the last 20 years, I know how challenging and overwhelming this can seem.
Nutrition, Digestive Health and Becoming Vegan
For me, it all started with digestive issues having me figuring out what I could do differently to start diminishing them. I read several different books to learn more about nutrition, some that I now know were not based in science and other that have made a big difference. Last year, I decided to invest in my health, and I took the course « The Plant Fed Gut » but Dr. Will Bulciewicz. This led me to a path to become fully plant-based/vegan and has significantly reduced my digestive symptoms. These days, my symptoms pop-up when I am not managing my stress levels properly… yikes, so now I am working on that.
Becoming plant-based/vegan has been a long journey for me. I started blogs about it 10 years ago mostly sharing how curious I was about it. There isn’t really anyone in my family that is vegan that I could learn from, and I didn’t really have the knowledge or tool to create meals that would sustain my family. So, again, I decided to invest in two cooking class to up my vegan/plant-based cooking game. I successfully completed the Rouxbe Professional Plant-Based Cooking Course (6 months) along with the Essential Vegan Desserts Cooking Course (3 months). What you will find on this page are based on the techniques and knowledge that I’ve learned through these courses. My focus will be on creating Whole-Food Plant-Based recipes that are delicious for the whole-family, some easy to make, others that are great for weekend meals and gatherings.
Through many conversations with my family, we all decided to become vegan as a family. For my kids, the conversations were focused on the impact on animals and the environment. They are worried about the future we are leaving them, and I am motivated to do my best to make sure they have a future. I know that these changes can have an impact and will be sharing more thoughts about this in my blog
Also exciting, in November, I will be starting the Plant-Based Nutrition Course, to learn more about nutrition. Can’t wait!
Clean Products and Living a Lox-Tox Life
Several years ago, I read the book Our Stolen Future by Theo Colborn, Dianne Dumanoski, John Peterson Myers. It was an eye-opening book about the impacts of synthetic chemicals on our fertility, intelligence, and health. The authors demonstrated how certain chemicals even in extremely small doses can have significant impact on our hormones, which science still has a lot to learn about. It was quite scary. Since reading that book, I have been looking more into the products I use to clean our house and put on our bodies as well as reducing our exposure and use of plastics.
To help me further understand how to help our bodies detox from these chemicals that we are exposed to, I also took the course Detox Right by Vivian Chen. I learned so much about how our bodies work to eliminate toxins. I will be writing a full review of the course shortly.
Whether you are looking to do baby steps or significantly transform your life, I hope you will find useful tips here. Your comments and feedback are important for me to make this something useful for you! So please, let me know what you think! Enjoy!