Before you continue reading this post, I strongly recommend that you watch the following trailer for the book: Why We Love Dogs, Eat Pigs, and Wear Cows by Melanie Joy (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DOCPDXvlGOQ).
So, what do you think? Isn’t interesting how our minds work and how we inherited decisions and assumptions made by previous generations.
What I appreciate the most about this book is how the author presents the elements in a way to make you think about your actions. Just like becoming a vegan is a choice, I think that eating meat should also be viewed as a choice as opposed to the default option.
We should all fully appreciate where our food comes from and how it is prepared. If it is being prepared in a way that goes against our values, is it really okay to still be eating it? I am not saying that everyone should become vegetarian. In some cases, it might be a question of finding a better food source that produces meat in a way that is more aligned with our values
Animals are sentient beings, and if we eat them for “our survival” then this should be done with more respect. Animals are not just moving robots where their decisions are solely based on instincts. If you have ever interacted with a dog, you will know that this last statement is true. Oh!, but dogs are different you say because they are our friends. Well apparently, pigs make great pets too, but we also like them on the BBQ! Why?
I strongly recommend this book to anyone who is open for a good debate. This book will definitely challenge how you think… but it will also require some courage. Get the information, and make decisions according to your values.
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